TEDCO is seeking proposals in response to this RFP for a study to develop a Statewide strategic plan for cybersecurity workforce development. The selected qualified firm under this RFP (the “Firm”) shall collect data, perform analyses, and generate a Needs Assessment and Strategic Asset Evaluation (the “Cybersecurity Workforce Report”) as detailed in this RFP. TEDCO and the Cyber Maryland Board (as defined in Section II, TEDCO Overview – The Cyber Maryland Program) intend to use the Needs Assessment and Strategic Asset Evaluation to develop of a Statewide Strategic Plan for Cybersecurity Workforce Development that materially reduces cybersecurity workforce vacancies by July 1, 2026 (the “Cyber Maryland Strategic Plan”).
In order to develop the Cybersecurity Workforce Report, the Firm will work in collaboration with TEDCO, the Cyber Security Association of Maryland Inc., the Cyber Security Talent Advisory Board, Maryland Department of Labor, and other industry stakeholders to develop the Cybersecurity Workforce Report. The requirements of the Cybersecurity Workforce Report are included in this RFP under “Scope of Services Required”.
Proposal Deadline
September 29, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EDT
- What is the status of the Cyber Maryland Strategic Plan (or Cybersecurity Strategic Plan)? The RFP (page 5) notes that the Cyber Maryland Enabling Legislation requires that plan to be developed on or before December 1, 2023. Yet the RFP also notes that the Cybersecurity Workforce Report is supposed to guide the development of the Strategic Plan. With the engagement for the Workforce Report to start November 6, we are unclear as to what extent this project will be able to guide the Strategic Plan. Please clarify.
The Cyber Maryland Strategic Plan will be guided by the work produced as a result of this RFP. TEDCO has communicated with the sponsor of the enabling legislation indicating that the Cyber Maryland Strategic Plan will be delayed so that the Study produced as a result of this RFP can help provide direction for the development of the Strategic Plan.
- What is the available budget for this project?
The expected budget for this project is between $80,000 - $120,000.
- Page 3 notes that the preliminary findings report is due by December 12, 2023, however the milestone table on page 10 notes the preliminary findings report due on December 7, 2023 – please confirm which is correct.
The Preliminary Finding Report will be due by December 7, 2023
- What are the roles anticipated for the Cyber Maryland board and the Cybersecurity Association of Maryland’s Workforce Advisory Board? Is one or both of those entities intended to act as an advisory committee for the project?
The Cyber Maryland Board will utilize findings produced as a result of the study produced from this RFP to advise the Cyber Maryland Board [SA – which board?] in the development of the final Statewide Plan for Cybersecurity Workforce Development. The Cybersecurity Association of Maryland Workforce Advisory Board will work within an advisory capacity both in the development of the study and the final Statewide Plan for Cybersecurity Workforce Development.
- What is the original data source or methodology behind the statistic of 20,000 cybersecurity job vacancies in Maryland?
As noted on page 5 of the RFP under the title “The Cyber Maryland Program,” the estimate of 20,000 cybersecurity job vacancies in Maryland is cited from the September 2020 Fort Meade Alliance Study, “Acquiring CS/IT Talent in the Fort Meade Region”
- Is the state currently using any standard cyber role taxonomy?
TEDCO is not aware of any standard cyber role taxonomy used by the State of Maryland at this time.
- What kind of interaction is anticipated in engaging with military and national security agencies, including Fort Meade, ONCD, CISA, etc.?
For the purposes of the study, military and national security agencies, including Fort Meade, ONCD, CISA, etc. should be engaged in all stages of the study including, but not limited to the strategic asset evaluation, development of real-time industry needs data/recommended steps for development of the Cyber Maryland Strategic Plan, and Cybersecurity Workforce Report