The Maryland Makerspace Initiative Program (“Makerspace Program”) was created to encourage the growth of Makerspaces throughout Maryland. To do this, the program provides financial and technical assistance to eligible entities.
The funds are administered by TEDCO to local governments, entities designated by local governments, or nonprofit entities who are seeking assistance with the establishment, expansion, or operation costs of Makerspaces in Maryland.
The Makerspace Program awards will be made in the form of a grant up to $100,000 to be used for either:
- The establishment of a new Makerspace
- The expansion of a Makerspace
- The development of programming for a Makerspace
Important Dates:
- RFA Released: March 17, 2025
- Applications Closed: May 15, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET
- Finalists Notified: July 2025
- Winners Announced: July 2025
To be eligible for the Makerspace Program you must be:
- A local government
- An agency, instrumentality, or nonprofit corporation designated by the local government, or
- Another nonprofit entity
How to Apply
The Makerspace application deadline is May 15, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET
Q: We are not a non-profit, can we partner with a non-profit that would predominantly act as a fiscal agent?
A: While applicants can partner, the applicant will be responsible for the grant and all applicants must be, a local government; an agency, instrumentality, or non-profit designated by a local government; or another non-profit entity.
Q: Are entities able to apply for both the $100K (expansion of facilities) as well as the $25K (Makerspace Programming), or are applicants only able to apply for one of these?
A: To apply for more than one type of grant, applicants simply need to complete more than one application. It’s important to answer the questions and upload the documents relevant to the specifics of each grant request.
Q: Do the matching funds have to come from donors, or can they also be provided by the organization that is applying for the grant?
A: Yes, you can provide your own matching funds. However, still upload a Letter of Intent (LOI) stating the amount of funds you will provide for the 1:1 match to make it clear that you are able to provide the matching funds.
Q: Is funding to support utility costs an allowable expense for this grant?
A: Yes, but keep in mind that reviewers will look closely at each of these areas to determine if the use of funds aligns with the project’s objectives.
Q: Will there be any opportunity after submittal to correct issues or incorrect assumptions within our application?
A: No. However, if the applicant moves forward to stage three of the review process, additional information can be provided in the applicant’s presentation.
Q: Can funds provided to our Makerspace before this application be used for the 1:1 match?
A: We can’t advise you on how to use funding you have already received, but applicants can provide their own matching funds if the funding they previously received is free to be used for that purpose. However, they must still upload a Letter of Intent (LOI) stating the amount of funds they will provide for the 1:1 match to make it clear they are able to provide the matching funds.
Q: What qualifies as a Makerspace?
A: For the purposes of this grant and as stated in the RFA, a “Makerspace” is defined as a community space that:
- provides access to tools, technology, and knowledge for learners and entrepreneurs;
- results in the prototyping or creation of physical goods; and
- supports the development of technical education opportunities for personal growth.
Q: If an institution intends to use the funds to enter into a contract with a third-party entity, is it necessary to have the company identified in the proposal, or is it sufficient to describe the nature of the contract?
A: The more detailed information provided in the application the better we will understand the use of funds.
Q: What qualifies as an in-kind match?
A: Everything from donated materials and tools to donated space or volunteer time can qualify as an in-kind match. The range is wide. Keep in mind, applications for a feasibility study may not use an in-kind match.
Q: Can multiple letters of intent (LOI’s) be submitted?
A: Yes, all letters of intent to provide matching funds or in-kind contributions will be considered, they just need to add up to match the amount of funds be requested. If you need to upload multiple letters, you may want to merge them into one file first.
Q: We are too early to apply for the Makerspace grant this year. Can we apply next year?
A: Yes, we anticipate this same grant application will be available again next year.