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Keep up with all the latest news about how TEDCO is helping grow the Maryland entrepreneur funding sector through investments, network of industry professionals, and educational resources.

TEDCO in the News

Hopkins faculty and startups receive translational funding from TEDCO

This summer, two Hopkins faculty members and two Hopkins startups will receive funding from the Maryland Innovation Initiative (“MII”) to commercialize promising technologies.

Frederick firm bringing wearable nanotechnology to market with TEDCO funding

A Maryland startup aiming to bring nanotechnology to the wearable tech space has earned a $25,000 investment from Maryland Technology DevelopmentCorp., to help it move closer to market.

Neuraly, a TEDCO MII and MVF portfolio company, launches with $36M funding round

The Maryland biotech startup is developing new treatments for Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Latest TEDCO-funded rural startup, GOEFER, developed a power strip to help cut down your energy costs

A Frederick startup working to help save consumers and companies money on their energy consumption is ramping up sales with a new $25,000 investment from Maryland Technology Development Corp.

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