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Keep up with all the latest news about how TEDCO is helping grow the Maryland entrepreneur funding sector through investments, network of industry professionals, and educational resources.

TEDCO in the News

Viela Bio’s Spinout Story Reveals A Roadmap for Growth Ahead

Viela Bio was featured this year at the TEDCO Entrepreneur Expo and Stem Cell Symposium as part of a special track on ‘Building Great Companies.’ Their panel discussion, titled ‘Corporate Spinouts: The Viela Bio Story,’ gave attendees a behind-the-scenes look at what went into the company’s launch

Maryland’s World Leading Cell Therapy Industry Showcased at TEDCO’s Stem Cell Symposium & Entrepreneur Expo


Here’s how an AstraZeneca spinout deal gets done

Aaron Ren is the head of business development and operations at startup Viela Bio, a MedImmune Inc. spinout. He spoke on a panel at TEDCO's Entrepreneur Expo along with some of the lawyers who worked on the spinout deal.

Congratulations to Fall Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery Winners, especially TEDCO portfolio company ClearMask and Plum Dragon Herbs

TEDCO Portfolio companies ClearMask and Plum Dragon

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