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Keep up with all the latest news about how TEDCO is helping grow the Maryland entrepreneur funding sector through investments, network of industry professionals, and educational resources.

TEDCO in the News

Md. manufacturing startup, Xometry, acquires competitor and raises $25 million, to include TEDCO’s Maryland Venture Fund

Gaithersburg manufacturing platform Xometry acquired a competitor and raised $25 million, the startup announced Tuesday.

How a TEDCO portfolio company, Adaptive Phage Therapeutics, is saving lives with bacteria-killing viruses

Dr. Carl Merril began researching bacteria-killing viruses at National Institutes of Health in 1965, leading to a partnership with the U.S. Navy’s biological defense group to combat potential bioterrorism attacks with superbugs.

Two Baltimore university-born startups move their tech closer to market with fed funds

Cykloburn Technologies, born out of Morgan State University, has also been awarded a $225,000 Phase I grant.

Cykloburn Technologies Wins SBIR Phase I Grant

Cykloburn Technologies LLC, a company developing a low-emission combustion system that converts biomass into energy, announced that it has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I grant.

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