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Keep up with all the latest news about how TEDCO is helping grow the Maryland entrepreneur funding sector through investments, network of industry professionals, and educational resources.

TEDCO in the News

TEDCO MII Awardee Russell Taylor one of two from The Johns Hopkins University named to National Academy of Engineering

Computer scientist Russell Taylor and chemical and biomolecular engineer Yannis Kevrekidis are among 87 new members and 18 international members selected this year.

TEDCO Portfolio Company, Adaptive Phage Therpeutics' CEO, Greg Merrill, speaks on NPR

Enter a new treatment called 'phage therapy' and Greg Merril, CEO and co-founder of Adaptive Phage Therapeutics in Gaithersburg.

Sensing an opportunity to improve wind energy: TEDCO's Maryland Innovation Initiative and bwtech help UMBC faculty commercialize their research

A unique feature of the MII program is the introduction of university “site miners” to facilitate the application process for faculty inventors. These commercialization experts support faculty with preparing proposals and advocate for projects in the review process. UMBC site miner David Fink

Fighting Acne: A New Approach Sourced From Viruses

IBBR receives TEDCO MII Funding

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