
22 Finalists Chosen from Maryland’s Incubators;

Winners to be Announced at Awards Ceremony on June 1

COLUMBIA, Md. (June 2, 2010) – The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED), the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO), RSM McGladrey Inc., and Saul Ewing LLP announced today the 22finalists for the tenth annual Maryland Incubator Company of the Year Awards. The awards recognize the achievements of current and graduate companies within Maryland’s incubators. Winners will be announced at a ceremony at the Center Club in Baltimore on June 15, 2010.

“Maryland’s incubator network plays a crucial role in our state’s economy,” said Governor Martin O’Malley. “There is a wealth of talent and promise in Maryland’s incubators and I commend the finalists of the 2010 Incubator Company of the Year Awards for being considered the best of the best.”

“For the past decade,  The Incubator Company of the Year Awards has been the regions premiere event for recognizing innovation and achievement among Maryland’s leading early-stage businesses,” said John Wasilisin, acting president and executive director of TEDCO. “TEDCO is proud of the program and its rich history and looks forward to recognizing these hardworking and deserving companies in June.”

The finalists and incubators are as follows:

Aricion Therapeutics (ETC)-

Ark Sciences (ETC)-

CSA Medical, Inc. (ETC) - www.csamedical.comMoodlerooms

Inc. (ETC) -

StormCenter Communications, Inc. (UMBC) -

Zane Networks, LLC (SSIC) -

Amethyst Technologies, LLC (UMBC) -

B&D Consulting, Inc. (TIC)

SI Tec Consulting, Inc. (Howard County EDA) -

Lookingglass Cyber Solutions (ETC) -

Tactical Network Solutions (NeoTech) -

TransGlobal Business Systems, Inc. (TAC) -

Remedium Technologies, Inc. (TAP) -

CrispTek, LLC (NeoTech) -

Fl  exEl, LLC (TAP) -

Plant Sensory Systems, LLC (UMBC) -

Clean Currents (RIC) - www.cleancurrents.comResensys


Inc. (FITCI) -

OmniSpeech (MTECH)Get Real Consulting (SGIC) -

Ception Therapeutics (SGIC) -

Incubator Key: Emerging Technology Center (ETC), Baltimore; Frederick Innovative Technology Center, Inc. (FITCI), Frederick; NeoTech Incubator (NEOTech), Columbia; Technical Innovation Center (TIC), Hagerstown; Howard County Economic Development Authority (Howard County EDA), Columbia;  Shady Grove Innovation Center (SGIC), Rockville; Technology Advancement Program (TAP), College Park; techcenter@UMBC at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Catonsville; Rockville Innovation Center (RIC), Rockville; and Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute(MTECH), College Park.

Awards will be made in various categories.  Previous years’ categories included Life Science Company of the Year, Information Technology Company of the Year, Technology Service Company of the Year, Homeland Security Company of the Year, New Incubator Company of the Year, Technology Transfer Company of the Year, and Graduate Company of the Year.

“Businesses and start-up companies in Maryland’s incubator network are the backbone of our state’s economic renewal,” said Konstantina M. Katcheves, a partner at Saul Ewing and Chair of the firm’s Life Sciences practice group. “Finalists in this year’s Incubator Company of the Year Awards were able to make important contributions totechnology and life science industries despitean uncertain economic climate. Saul Ewing applauds these companies and their accomplishments and thanks all of our talented applicants.”

"As a founding partner of The Incubator Company of the Year Awards, RSM McGladrey congratulates the finalists of our tenth annual awards program," said Brian S. Meritt, a managing director of RSM McGladrey Inc. "One of the most impressive aspects of the awards program is the wide-variety of innovations and industries represented. This diversity reflects the ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit of the Maryland incubator network.  We look forward to celebrating these contributions."  


TEDCO, the Maryland Technology Development Corporation, enhances economic empowerment growth through the fostering of an inclusive entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem. TEDCO identifies, invests in, and helps grow technology and life science-based companies in Maryland. Learn more at

Media Contact
Tammi Thomas, Chief Development & Marketing Officer, TEDCO,
Rachael Kalinyak, Associate Director, Marketing & Communications, TEDCO,